

Friday 15 October 2010

Form and Function

Form and function are often misapplied or confused with each other, so i'd thought i'd give my interpretation.

Form to me is the intent or purpose that underlies an act itself - for the Joy of doing the task itself.

Function to me is the pragmatic act to be accomplished to meet ones ends - the slightly begrudgingly achieved 'Have To', or What's In It For Me, Expereince!

As an Illustrative tale: the ‘Foot Massage’ argument from Pulp Fiction:

Some people massage another’s feet for FORM i.e. Because
1. They enjoy massaging another’s feet (and it is a win/win scenario because)
2. The other would benefit from a foot massage
3. They like making other people relaxed and happy
4. They like sharing Loving Kindness

Some people only massage another’s feet for FUNCTION i.e. Because
1. They've been 'asked' to do it
2. They are more likely to get ‘laid’ if they do it
3. They can and therefore ‘should’
4. It'll shut the ‘patient’ up for 5 minutes!

Whist the result may appear the same - the other’s feet get massaged - the intent is considerably different, and the kind of attention likely to be given, mindfulness and warmth are completely different.

How else can this be applied? Washing dishes?

Some people wash the dishes for FORM
1. They enjoy washing dishes for the sense of accomplishment they feel in doing a job well and with a obvious conclusion.
2. They enjoy the peace and 'meditation' available in an absorbing task
3. They enjoy the sensual experience of warm soapy water contrasted with greasy messy pots and pans
4. It is a valid distraction from everyday mind, (a mindfulness practice).

Some people wash the dishes for FUNCTION
1. To get the shitty job done
2. Someone's got to do it, and it looks like me again
3. Do i really have to?
4. There aren't any clean plates

Who is likely to enjoy the process and leave the plates cleaner?

Think of some of the other, so-called 'Chores' that we have to be ad see if thee can change them from a 'Function' to a 'Form' experience.

Washing Up,
Is like washing the baby Buddha,
The Sacred is the Profane,
Everydday mind
Is Buddha Mind!
(Peace is Every Step - Thich Nhat Hahn)

1 comment:

  1. So - to follow up the Pulp Fiction arguement - it's the intent of both parties that it depeds upon - If the massage was 'Form, then it is a Win/Win experience and not deserving of defenestration.

    Unfortunately it was perceived as Function!
