

Monday 27 September 2010

Breathing Through Your Eyelids!

Years ago i was at a girlfriends, and had flu, you know blocked up and snotty. Well we were in bed and the snuffling type noises were starting to get to the poor lady, compassion or not. I suddenly remembered we'd been watching Bull Durham (the baseabll film), and there was a line where Susan Sarandon's character says that the Aztec Shaman could breathe through their eyelids.

So, I decided to play the “What if I could?” game (or let’s pretend), where we suspend our disbelief and use our imaginations for a while. What had i got to lose - and it worked and here's how.  I've since played with breathing through all the Chakras with some ineresting results!

Sit comfortably with your back straight and feet flat on the floor (cross legged on the floor or lying on your back).  Hold your hands comfortably over your belly (diaphragm) and breathe slowly and deeply, noticing the rise and fall of your hands (belly) as you do so.  Now, focus both of your eyes on the centre of your forehead, between your eyebrows (your brow chakra, or “Third Eye”) and continue to do so as you shut your eyes.

Begin to visualise the passage of your breathe as it enters through your eyelids, and travels down the front of your body to the base of your spine.  As you breathe out, visualise the breath traveling up your back, round the top of your head, until it flows out again through your eyelids. after a few breathes you may even 'feel' a slight fluttering from your eyelids as the breath 'enters' and 'exits'!

Now, to make it slightly more calming, as you breathe repeat to yourself:-

Breathing In, I calm my body and mind,

Breathing out, I smile,

Dwelling in, the Present moment,

I realise that, it is a Wonderful moment.

(from Thich Nhat Hahn - Peace is Every Step)

This simple breathing technique will swiftly place the practitioner into an alpha state, clear the airways and stop ears from popping if practised whilst flying! (The 'scientific' explanation would be that it changes the pressure in your eustation tube thereby alowing the airways to become unblocked)

If it works - Use It,

If it doesn't don't - but give it a fair chance!

Enjoy: Whatever, Wherever, with Whomever!

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